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There are many theories to what will happen in 2012. Therefore, as a logical, rational being – with an intuitive twist – I put forward a line of questioning in the vain hope that I may find, and ultimately share, some answers.
The word from many spiritual figures, such as Diana Cooper, is we are entering a new age of spiritual awareness, and ascension to a higher spiritual level. Many believe there will be an energy force coming from above, to “turn on” our spiritual selves.
But what does that mean exactly?
Does it mean we are all going to realise exactly why we are here and what our life’s purpose is? Will we all reach a heightened state of enlightenment to become a peaceful, loving and caring world?
My initial, most plausible answer would be “No”.
It would not make any sense for the world to release hate, greed, corruption and all the horrible things we have come to know and deal with in our lives.
Consider if you will, the idea that we are on this earth plane to learn lessons, be it how to treat others, learn academically; in order to teach others, or just simply to learn from our mistakes and, as many believe, take those lessons with us into the next life. Therefore the utopian ideology would simply not work, as there will be no lessons to learn, no experience of light and dark and no heartache or pain to take with us.
From what I have read, Nostradamus predicted a rise from the East, with governments and societies collapsing – which is pretty much where we are today. Diana Cooper foresees a future, comparable to the dark ages, where money is scarce and bartering is king. She states, and please do not take this synopsis as verbatim, that the simple way of life will make a come back. Banks and currencies will crumble, politicians will no longer rule in the manner they have become accustomed to, and we will become a world of farmers, foragers and traders, in order to survive.
Her prediction is certainly not unfounded; indeed it is a very plausible, educated global forecast. But, stepping back into my original quandary, and if this is the shape of things to come, how and why would we need help from above to expand our awareness? If we are to return to a more natural, less avarice, manmade environment would we not effortlessly revert to a purer lifestyle?
I have, in fairness, raised far more questions than answers, and until such time – be it the forthcoming 11:11:11 or the closing hours of the Mayan calendar – we may never know. But what I do believe is this; there are more spiritually aware people (be it, psychics, clairvoyant mediums, light workers & intuitives etc.) than ever on this planet, life is definitely getting harder, countries are struggling to balance the books and the world is in biological anguish.
It may be that we are not to receive a surge of spiritual energy, direct from a higher source. It may be a wake-up call and we naturally change our ways. I am hoping for a bit of both, partly because it would be nice to feel as if we do not have to cope with everything all on our own, and that there IS help, from what I call, “upstairs”.
Whatever happens, I do not believe we will come to an abrupt end in 2012. So I am looking forward to saying “I told you so” to all the scaremongers’ professing “The end is nigh” to make a quick buck from the scared, the weak and the vulnerable.
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