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George King as
Primary Terrestrial
Mental Channel
Delivered by George King in 1960:
''I feel that an explanation should be given to help those genuine seekers who are yearning for the Truth.
First of all, I believe that when a speaker takes his place upon the Flying Saucer platform he is technically under oath, vouching for the things he says to be the Truth. Lord Krishna stated that the greatest gift that one man could give to another was Wisdom. It is only logical to assume, therefore, that the greatest crime that a man can commit is to give to those with faith in him, that which is false! If EVERY speaker would realize this one responsibility, then the few left on the platform after this realization had dawned would indeed be extremely careful of what they reported!
No space contact has ever yet told any Earth man to put up as a political president or dictator of America or any other country in the world. Those who state otherwise are either obviously telling an untruth or have really been deluded, probably by a very earthly person, certainly not a Space contact.
The Beings from other Planets do not agree with any existing political system on Earth. They are neither democrats nor conservatives, but above all, certainty not communists!
No Space Communicator has ever told an Earth person that in case of a war he would take sides, neither has he ever stated that there will be mass landings of Space Craft on Earth to save us from either atomic war or an Earth catastrophe.
No person from another Planet has ever stated that Jesus is the one and only Son of god or that He is: 'Commander of a legion of space Craft coming to save the Americans from Russia.''
No Contactee has ever been told: ''Take the names and addresses of people (naturally vegetarians only) who want to be picked up in case of catastrophe.'' This absurd claim actually originated in England. It is interesting to note that the so-called communicator from Venus, who was supposed to have made this statement through a person, at the time, living in England, also gave a sure fire method of gambling on horse and dog races. It is amazing how far away from the Truth some people can get....!
There are people from other Planets living on this Earth now. Some of Them have the limitations of Earth physical bodies, but they will not glibly admit this fact. Beware of any who do. The genuine ones do not need to tell you that they are from other Planets. In fact, some of them have a very hard time stopping you recognizing this fact.
No Space Person ever gives Messages through a Channel telling you that you were in former lives a great being from Venus, Clarion or some other extra-terrestrial source.
Neither will such a being tell you that you were Nefretiti or a John the Baptist.
The Law governing information regarding your past lives is an exact one. Information will only be given to you when you are absolutely ready to use it - at some form of Initiation or other and then, if you have swept or cleaned out the stables, you will be told so!
The Intelligences from other Planets do not spent Their time, ''hanging on a hook'' waiting for some Earth Channel to tune in to Them. Genuine Telepathic Communications are given to this Earth through Earth Mediums who have had correct training for years previously. This form of Communication with Space People is an exact Mental Science. Unlike communication with discarnate entities who can be contacted at any time by the right medium, the Space People cannot be so contacted by any Earth Person.
If a Message has to be given to Earth from this Cosmic Source, the Medium is informed previously of the exact time that this message will be delivered and wherever the Medium is at that time the Message is given on the dot at the time stated. In other words, we can pick the place but the Space People pick the time to communicate! Beware of any messages, purporting to come from Cosmic Sources, which are given through a Medium a any old time to suit the Medium. It is possible, in rare cases, for a Medium of high metaphysical status to request a communication, but such a request is only granted if the Space People see fit.
Never once has an Interplanetary Being recommended that people sell up their homes in the cities and go to live in the desert, because of an impending disaster. In November last year the phone at Aetherius Society Headquarters in Los Angeles was kept busy by people enquiring if we had heard that Los Angeles was going to be destroyed within the next few days! Looking further into this, I read the manuscript of a 'speech' supposed to come from another Planet which advised people to pack up and go out into the desert. Some poor people actually did this. Los Angeles still stands! By their fruits shall ye know them.
Up to this time no Earth person in a physical body has ever been landed physically on another Planet. All genuine contactees know this and indeed, in the past have clapped loudly when this statement has been made from the public platforms!
The Messages which are of a purely personal nature given through an Earth channel do not originate from the minds of people from other Planets.
ALL messages originating from this source have a wider application than the purely persnal and do, in the main, deal with World problems. The Master Aetherius has stated that occasionally people have been given instructions and information regarding the starting up of organizations in order to promote Truth. He has also complimented those people who have done this.
After years of study of all kinds of psychic phenomena, I know that people can be deluded by astral entities into the erroneous belief that they are in communication with people from other Planets when indeed they are being ''inspired'' by some lower astral liar.
No Space Being ever communicates through the ouija board, vague table rappings, illuminating spots of oil under the bed (yes - indeed such a claim has been reported) or other base seance room methods.
A geuine Message coming from a Higher Intelligence on another Planet contains within it the seeds of Wisdom, will always stand up to the acid test of Meditation and will always reveal to the genuine meditator a great hidden Truth.
If you would differentiate between the true and the false teachers and Contactees, then educate yourself by reading the Holy Works such as the Bhagavad-Gita, the Upanishads, the Vedas, the Life and Teachings of Buddha, Buddhist Re-incarnation, the whole series by Yogi Ramacharaka, books by modern Saints such as Swami Vivekananda and, of course, last, but by no means least, the WHOLE SERIES of COSMIC VOICE.
If you educate your own minds in this manner you will not be easily deluded by the fakes because your basic grounding in the Ancient Wisdom will be so good that you will be able to differentiate.
Remember, my friends, not once in any genuine Message from a Being from another Planet was the mystic meaning of the Holy Works ever contradicted and lt us remember this too, that no Space Messenger works on its own. they are all fully aware of what Their Colleagues have said before Them as They Co-operate together as One Cosmic Team.
If you apply the advice given here, you will not be ld astray by anyone, no matter what claims he makes. This advice will enable you to recognize those genuine and honest physical and mental Contactees who are trying hard to spread the Truth of their Messages throughout the World.
Wherever you hear of one and recognize him or her, do not be backward in
helping them all you can in their task for mankind.
A word about the future - although most of the fakes and frauds are gradually talking themselves off the platforms of the world, others will rise to take their places - be ever watchful, ever alert, always discriminating and please remember, that it is not the Earth personality you should be following but the Cosmic Wisdom propounded by or through that individual.''
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