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Life can be a hard task master.
We all feel pain at some point in our lives, physical, mental or emotional, and we have to learn to deal with it. It is going to happen. No matter how hard we try to rationalise feelings, logic never healed heartache, nor can a couple of aspirins mend a broken leg. And no amount of tears can wash away a failure.
It’s there, it happens, what caused it, how do I deal with it and what can be done to prevent the same thing happening again? Easy enough on the physical level.. if you burn your finger you learn to be careful near fire. But physical pain is often soonest over and easiest to bear, as long as it’s your own! Usually the changes that need to be made are within oneself.
Harder to bear is seeing the pain of someone you care for. You could choose to erect enough barriers to protect yourself from loving, but is that really a choice? And if it is, is it a healthy one? There is nothing worse for a mother than seeing a child hurt. Nothing worse for a friend than to see a friend suffer. No matter how deeply held the belief that birth and death are simple, natural transitions, the human being that loses a loved one will grieve. We miss them and our lives change. Familiarity dies with the
m and we are adrift.
We can deal with it by having accepted at the start that life, one way or another is going to hurt and that when it does there is a reason and something to learn. No matter how dark the path may seem, there is always a way through and nothing is wasted unless we allow it to be. I do not think we are every sent more than we can bear. Sometimes, just more than we think we can.
By accepting that if it can happen, it can happen to you, one acquires a strange sort of freedom. Nothing, and especially no-one!... is immutably yours. Life moves forward and is not static. We have to learn to move forward with life, not cling desperately to the spar of familiarity. I think our lives are designed to hold the possibilities we each need to grow, not in terms of predestination, but of potential. We each have to learn to see the patterns in our own lives, which hold up a mirror to our souls and find the courage to look. Once you consciously admit to something, you cannot ignore it and have to take action.
The biggest problem is the ingenuity of the human mind that can devise so many ways to avoid looking in that mirror or obscuring the true reflection of the soul that looks back with the Light in its eyes.
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