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So another year begins and we have another president of the United States - President Barack Obama. So last Tuesday we had the inauguration of the 44th president of the United States of America – supposedly the most powerful man in the world. Here in Britain after months of US presidential election coverage, we had live TV coverage, beamed to our TV screens. I always wonder why the British media pay so much attention to the US presidential elections. They don’t do it when a president comes to power in Russia, or Germany, or any other country in the world for that matter. Even The Sun gave away a four-page pullout on the event. They reckoned a million people came to Washington to see the inauguration a “be a part of history”.
He is dubbed the first “black president of the United States”, though he is the product of a black father and a white mother. Does that really make him “the first black and white president” of the US? Certainly most Americans, whatever their skin colour have high hopes for his presidency and his promise of “change”. But what does change mean? Change for the better? As most people think, but perhaps it could also mean change for the worse? We know that he has got off to a positive start by starting to ball rolling to shut down Guantánamo Bay detention camp – an evil place on Earth if ever there was one. He is also reported as speaking to several Arab leaders within hours of taking up his post. But as “the most powerful man on Earth” he has got a lot of work to do – he is expected to sort out the Arab-Israeli conflict as well as the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq; not forgetting the global economy, world poverty, various dictatorships around the world, etc,etc. The list is endless.
Maybe the media is being its usual self in building an individual up, only to shoot then down later, as they do, especially in the UK. In most people’s eyes he is ten times better than his predecessor, George Bush Junior, who many would argue, got in due to mix up in the votes. Look what his presidency delivered? A war on terror that cannot be won. Obviously time will tell whether President Obama, will be the saviour that many Americans and people around the world think he is. Or is he really “a wolf in sheep’s clothing” as David Icke and others are saying and that things will never change? Will it be a case of “Meet the new boss. Same as the old boss”? Watch this space……………
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