Inspirational Stories / Poems
Where are our young people (4845) (Global)
By:Alan Cox
Date: Fri,19 Apr 2024
Submitter:Alan Cox
I wonder how much opposition there was before the start of World War 1 and World War Two, was there marches in major cities worldwide, did ......View
The New Earth Dream (5002) (Global)
By:June Theresa Edwards
Date: Mon,15 Apr 2024
Submitter:June Theresa Edwards
I’ve waited so long,
Ten thousand years, it seems,
To step out of the darkness,
Into the God/Goddess of my dreams,
Blessing everythin......View
The Balance Labyrinth Concept (3498) (Somerset)
By:Alan Cox
Date: Thu,04 Apr 2024
My name is Alan Cox and I am c/o author and creator with my late wife Jenny of The Balance Procedure (TBP), which is an accredited energy t......View
LESSONS FROM GEESE (3038) (Global)
By:Robert Gresak
Date: Tue,30 Oct 2018
As each bird flaps its wings it creates an uplift for the bird following.
By flying in a "V" formation, the whole flock adds 71% greater f......View
The Dash (3522) (Global)
By:Ada McKay
Date: Wed,02 May 2018
Submitter:Ada McKay
Many readers will have heard of an American inspirational poem called “The Dash” written in 1996 by Linda Ellis. The poem has become incr......View
Aromatherapy Massage and Benefits (4894) (Global)
By:T Kershaw
Date: Wed,17 Jan 2018
Submitter:Luna Holistics
My client called me to book an appointment for an aromatherapy massage in her home. We decided on a mutually acceptable time and I asked h......View
What is Destiny (5731) (Global)
By:Lorna Hedges
Date: Tue,19 Sep 2017
Simple really, destiny is how we shape our future, with a purpose in life.
How do we find this purpose; that’s not so easy, as we need to ......View
By:Robert Gresak
Date: Fri,16 Jun 2017
The sands of time run through the hourglass
the ages and years swiftly pass
and men and women, some slow, some fast
The Magician (6380) (Global)
By:Maria's Universe
Date: Tue,28 Mar 2017
Submitter:Maria Zhuravleva
I met a Magician. His cloak was shiny and beautiful, his enormous bright energy was floating through the air like a rainbow light turning e......View
Dreaming of a Peaceful World (9147) (Global)
By:Annie Conboy
Date: Thu,15 Dec 2016
Submitter:Annie Conboy
I’ve had a day off today. There were family things to do. And housework! On the radio I heard an old Christmas song. It got me thinking.
RAINBOW DREAMS (10322) (Global)
By:Paul Schofield
Date: Wed,07 Dec 2016
Submitter:Paul Schofield
Brother slays the heart of brother
Whilst oil-bombs burn the child, with hate
From Syria to Eritrea
A piteous stream of people flee
MY LAW - TIEME RANAPIRI (11111) (Global)
Date: Sun,07 Aug 2016
The sun may be clouded yet ever the sun will sweep on its course till the cycle is run, and when into chaos the system is hurled,
again sh......View
Stepping Outside The Box (11514) (Global)
By:Annie Conboy
Date: Sat,04 Jun 2016
Submitter:Annie Conboy
It’s been a busy day at the Centre and for me. One of the things that has woven it’s way through the activities has been the idea that some......View
Little Niggles (11380) (Global)
By:Annie Conboy
Date: Sat,04 Jun 2016
Submitter:Annie Conboy
Some days it’s the little niggles that capture my attention. Small irritations that catch on the smooth flow of my day. Strands of energy t......View
You did all that. (10572) (Bristol)
By:kia jones
Date: Thu,19 May 2016
All That.
When you get hurt, travelling through life,
when your days seem filled, with trouble and strife.
Listen to the song your spi......View
THE TRIUMPH OF GOOD (13159) (Global)
By:Robert Gresak
Date: Fri,22 Apr 2016
Upon this fair world has descended a blight
a decease so grievous-a horrendous plight
sickening mans heart, dimming and blinding his sigh......View
Quiet Kindness (17245) (Global)
By:Annie Conboy
Date: Mon,25 Jan 2016
Submitter:Annie Conboy
Yesterday I hit the wall. All of my resilience had gone. The adrenaline had completely worn off. Concussion, flooding, clearing up, being t......View
ROLL ON DIVINE LIGHT (12552) (Global)
By:Robert Gresak
Date: Thu,24 Dec 2015
Roll on roll on Divine light,
all you fearful discard your misgivings, your fears
as the day and the hour nears
of mans spiritual emanci......View
Date: Tue,16 Jun 2015
I dream't that I was escorted to a Heavenly realm and an angel was showing me around. We walked side by side inside a large workroom filled......View
Elemental Fae. (11037) (Global)
By:Patrick W Kavanagh
Date: Wed,18 Mar 2015
Submitter:From the Muse
Elemental Fae.
Today, I saw the strangest thing that I have ever seen.
It happened when I wandered in the woodlands near my home.
I fo......View
POEM;~ **** I ONLY SEE YOU **** ~ (9663) (Global)
By:The Inner Sight of the Soul By Shazi
Date: Sun,15 Mar 2015
~ **** I ONLY SEE YOU **** ~
~ * In my HEART is only LOVE; yet you cannot SEE
~ * For I am in YOU, made from the same SEED
~ * I c......View
The Small (Poem) (16334) (Global)
By:Rabindranath Tagore
Date: Sat,20 Dec 2014
Submitter:Adept Yogi
''What is there but the sky, O Sun, which can hold thine image?
I dream of Thee, but to Serve Thee I never can hope,''
The dewdrop wept ......View
The Peace of Nirvana (Poem) (8901) (Global)
By:Margaret Eagles Swayne
Date: Sat,20 Dec 2014
Submitter:Adept Yogi
''When man is born, he wails,
While all around are glad;
But when he's dead, he smiles,
Whilst all around are sad!
Oh, rather weep awh......View
Terra (12829) (Global)
By:Paul Smith
Date: Thu,04 Dec 2014
Submitter:Paul Smith
She is the Ocean of rippling waves
Scintillating upon a Moonlit night where
Galaxies of wandering devotees gather in delight.
She is t......View
My Soul Awakening (10730) (Global)
By:Doug Simpson
Date: Tue,16 Sep 2014
Submitter:Doug Simpson
Interesting title, some of you are probably thinking, but what does he mean? My personal soul awakening provided me with the knowledge and ......View
A Rose for Martha's Vineyard (11048) (Global)
By:Jack Schimmelman
Date: Sun,06 Jul 2014
Submitter:Jack Schimmelman
Rose Abrahamson illuminates life. She is a 93-year old artist living on Martha’s Vineyard. She continues to create art, although today he......View
If the Flower Fails (78997) (Global)
By:Rev. Karem Barratt
Date: Thu,05 Jun 2014
Submitter:Rev.Karem Barratt
If the Flower Fails
by karem barratt
on 18 April 2014 at 23:32
And if the flower fails,
to caress your core with i......View
They Know me not (12627) (Global)
By:J Sig Paulson
Date: Wed,26 Mar 2014
Submitter:Robert Gresak
They know me not who think that I am only flesh and blood,
a transient dweller on this fragile spaceship Earth
that gave me birth.
For I......View
Moon Lullaby (18974) (Global)
By:Rev. Karem Barratt
Date: Wed,29 Jan 2014
Submitter:Rev.Karem Barratt
I am the Silver Phoenix that lives, dies and comes to be again. I am unchanged but never the same. Each of you, children of mine, are my re......View
THREE THINGS (9234) (Global)
By:Robert Gresak
Date: Sat,21 Dec 2013
The arrow shot forth on its destined track.
The appointed hour that could not wait.
Child Abuse (13550) (Global)
By:Gordon Mays Baird
Date: Thu,19 Dec 2013
I was asked about if I ever liked my main abuser, my step father Stanley.
The simple answer is yes, and I admired his intelligence. He was......View
Death you do not concern me (7332) (Global)
By:Surjit Dhami
Date: Tue,29 Oct 2013
Death you do not concern me
Nor you’re parched lips
That shall meet my forehead
To seal fates wish
Death you do not concern me
Raise Your Vibration Through Laughter (13962) (Global)
By:Lorraine Turner
Date: Thu,10 Oct 2013
Submitter:The Upholsterer's Daughter
Have you ever found yourself laughing for what apparently seemed - no reason at all? That silly rumbling feeling that erupts and causes you......View
The Parable of the Ant (8772) (Global)
By:Rachel Jones
Date: Wed,09 Oct 2013
Submitter:Rachel Jones
Today, I watched as a worker ant struggled to get through a tiny hole in the fly screen.
He was carrying part of a leaf, it was bigger t......View
Presence (14377) (West Midlands & Warks)
Date: Fri,04 Oct 2013
I listen to the silence
on a cold dark winters night
where the firelight gently flickers
but no soul remains in sight
Lana and The Blue Velvet Jacket (8711) (Global)
By:Paul Schofield
Date: Mon,03 Jun 2013
Submitter:Paul Schofield
A popular Children's story with a spiritual message, Lana and The Blue Velvet jacket is suitable for all ages, and for adults as well!
Fall Into (10149) (Global)
By:Amber Agha
Date: Mon,15 Apr 2013
Submitter:Amber Agha
Fall into my arms
For I have never left you
There is a garden that sits deep inside you
it houses the love we shared and created
Cold rice pudding (10412) (Global)
By:Sue Vincent
Date: Fri,25 Jan 2013
Submitter:Sue Vincent
I’m not really very good at this living alone business. Not on a practical level anyway. I have no problem wielding a screwdriver or drill,......View
Success (12013) (Global)
By:The Aetherius Society
Date: Mon,31 Dec 2012
Submitter:Paul Smith
It was a warm, sunny, cloudless August afternoon in the most elite part of Hollywood, California. The place? The Bel Air Hotel on Sunset Bo......View
Notes from a Small Dog (8805) (Global)
By:Sue Vincent
Date: Thu,20 Dec 2012
Submitter:Sue Vincent
She’s a bit under the weather at present, so I thought I’d give her a break and write today’s blog for her. She found the prospect of havin......View
Poem: Samadhi (11528) (Norfolk)
By:Paramahansa Yogananda
Date: Mon,10 Dec 2012
Submitter:Paul Smith
Vanished the veils of light and shade,
Lifted every vapor of sorrow,
Sailed away all dawns of fleeting joy,
Gone the dim sensory mirage.......View
The Fabric of Death (9001) (Global)
By:Lorraine Turner
Date: Thu,15 Nov 2012
Submitter:An Upholsterer's Daughter
The unexpected death of her husband has left my sister hanging on a thread. They were supposed to spend their 40th wedding anniversary toge......View
Crystal Conversations (8737) (Global)
By:Lorraine Turner
Date: Thu,25 Oct 2012
Submitter:An Upholsterer's Daughter
Months ago I was told by my guides that I would be attending a workshop regarding crystals. I sort of shrugged and didn't give it too much ......View
Can we ever atone (7969) (Cheshire)
By:Peter Jackson
Date: Sun,07 Oct 2012
Submitter:Karen Jackson
The light that I see comin in from the rain
Appears much brighter, after that terrible pain
I'll just close my eyes and let them adju......View
The Library in Your Mind is Now Open (10593) (Global)
By:Lorraine Turner
Date: Thu,13 Sep 2012
Submitter:The Upholsterer's Daughter
Some people approach meditation to improve mental health much like dieting...and then they just stop. When asked why they discontinued medi......View
Joseph of Arimathea: (10489) (International)
By:Pat Grabham
Date: Thu,06 Sep 2012
Submitter:Pat Grabham
Joseph of Arimathea:
The group of pilgrims made their way up a hill; they were so happy at this joyful task they were undertaking and ......View
The Aquarian Christ: (12104) (International)
By:Pat Grabham
Date: Tue,04 Sep 2012
Submitter:Pat Grabham
The Aquarian Christ:
The Aquarian Christ waits on the Etheric Plane – a Mission which has taken Centuries in its Planning and Conception......View
The Golden Disc: (9753) (International)
By:Pat Grabham
Date: Wed,29 Aug 2012
Submitter:Pat Grabham
The Golden Disc:
The Golden Disc travelled silently through space, the team on board were happy and bright – they adored The Master of t......View
Running Horse. (10078) (International)
By:Pat Grabham.
Date: Mon,27 Aug 2012
Submitter:Pat Grabham
Running Horse:
Running Horse went on bended knee, as his spirit soared to Eternity.
The Dakota watched with awe and delight, as the f......View
Striding Forth: (10214) (International)
By:Pat Grabham
Date: Sun,26 Aug 2012
Submitter:Pat Grabham
Striding Forth:
The enlightenment of man, woman, striding forth upon the pathway of light, gives to them blessings and delight.
Initiation (9581) (International)
By:Pat Grabham
Date: Thu,23 Aug 2012
Submitter:Pat Grabham
The Christ Initiation is the route everyone must take who wishes to experience initiation of all the vehicles which make up ......View
REBECCA (10782) (International)
By:Pat Grabham
Date: Mon,20 Aug 2012
Submitter:Pat Grabham
Rebecca was lost in her own thoughts - walking along well travelled paths, she paid little heed to what was going on around - a......View
Crystal Pathways to Your Hidden Door (8589) (Global)
By:Lorraine Turner
Date: Sat,18 Aug 2012
Submitter:An Upholsterer's Daughter
Have you ever thought of using crystals in your meditations? I have introduced this into my daily routine and the results are quite remarka......View
Do you hear me? (8935) (Durham)
Date: Wed,15 Aug 2012
I know these things make perfect sense to me on a soul level, I know i am from these worlds, I know I am here now to heal the pains of the ......View
The Seven Symbols: (10428) (International)
By:Pat Grabham
Date: Mon,13 Aug 2012
Submitter:Pat Grabham
The Seven Symbols.
The Seven Symbols my children are a vast, great subject. They have "been" since the Beginning: At the end of each er......View
DREAMS: (11368) (International)
By:Pat Grabham
Date: Mon,06 Aug 2012
Submitter:Pat Grabham
Dreams mean a lot of different aspects to us all. Firstly, we need to remember who we see are often loved ones, teachers and guides, we ha......View
Hey! You! Peek-a-Boo! (18611) (Global)
By:Rachel Jones
Date: Fri,03 Aug 2012
Submitter:Rachel Jones
Hey! You! Peek-a-Boo!
In the beginning, there was laughter.
Let us think about that for a minute.
We were all jubilant as we began ......View
THE LIGHT BRINGER: (11250) (International)
By:Pat Grabham
Date: Mon,23 Jul 2012
Submitter:Pat Grabham
Through the many aeons of time, there have been many Light Bringers, those whose light ensured others were inspired and guided, even if at ......View
Date: Tue,17 Jul 2012
Submitter:Pat Grabham
Hand in hand we have travelled - through rough and smooth terrain.
Levitated have we - with our lov......View
A Story of Healing (10533) (Global)
By:Wendy Stokes
Date: Tue,17 Jul 2012
Submitter:Wendy Stokes
This is a moving autobiography by Deborah Lloyd who was born, the eldest of nine children into a Catholic family in economic difficulties. ......View
The Mantra (12943) (Global)
By:Charles Anthony McFaulds
Date: Tue,03 Jul 2012
Submitter:Charles Anthony McFaulds
Once upon a time in a land far away; there lived an old man who was, in most people’s eyes, poorer than a church mouse. Yet in his own min......View
Your Journey is Not a Competition (10437) (Global)
By:Lorraine Turner
Date: Mon,25 Jun 2012
Submitter:An Upholsterer's Daughter
Lately I have found myself seeking and searching. It feels as if I am on a quest and there is an urgency surrounding this. If I were to ask......View
A Spirit Stopped By (10755) (Global)
By:Lorraine Turner
Date: Fri,25 May 2012
Submitter:An Upholsterer's Daughter
As I told you in my last blog, I met with a medium Bernie Scott and it was quite a unique experience-- sort of an experiment you might say.......View
The way forward (11960) (Global)
Date: Sat,05 May 2012
Submitter:Joseph starman
Joseph is here again with a message from “All that is” I have posted this again after reading so much religious “-------” on this website a......View
Easy to understand (10594) (Global)
Date: Thu,03 May 2012
Submitter:Joseph starman
Joseph is here again with a poem written a few years ago. I have decided to change what I have been putting on this website after going ove......View
The Joyful Journey (17353) (Global)
By:Andrea Elliott - Holistic Words
Date: Mon,30 Apr 2012
Submitter:Andrea Elliott
Bittersweet is my journey,
The energy flows within so deep,
I feel the warmth I once knew, renewed,
As I journey to the place I......View
Visits From Loved Ones in My Dreams (11324) (Global)
By:Lorraine Turner
Date: Sun,15 Apr 2012
Submitter:An Upholsterer's Daughter
I didn't want to wake. It seemed my dreams were far better. I had been enjoying my visits with my loved ones that have crossed and sometim......View
Two Spiritual Poems (11862) (Global)
Date: Mon,09 Apr 2012
Submitter:Joseph starman
Joseph is here again with two more short and to the point poems, hope you enjoy. Love and light to all… Joseph
Birthdays Come 'N Go (10203) (Global)
By:Lorraine Turner
Date: Sat,31 Mar 2012
Submitter:The Upholsterer's Daughter
I found myself waking one morning to a frantic phone call from my sister. Her husband had stopped breathing during his sleep and she perfor......View
Truth of the mind? (10255) (Global)
Date: Mon,26 Mar 2012
Submitter:Joseph starman
Joseph is here again with two short poems that talk about the “Truth of the mind” but there is more in them than first meets the eye… Josep......View
Death and Weeds (11774) (Global)
By:Lorraine Turner
Date: Thu,22 Mar 2012
Submitter:Lorraine Turner
My sister's husband of 39 years is dying of a rare cancer of the blood. My profession as a designer allows me to work anywhere my mac is. A......View
MOTHER EARTH (13554) (Global)
By:Robert Gresak
Date: Tue,20 Mar 2012
Submitter:Robert Gresak
Her time for spiritual ascension
like that of man, is fast approaching,
her time to arise and take wing,
to raise her frequencies
to t......View
Every Day (12973) (Global)
By:Andrea Elliott
Date: Fri,16 Mar 2012
Submitter:Andrea Elliott
Every day someone wins the lottery.
Every day someone finds their dream home.
Every day someone gets their ideal job.
Every day so......View
what we know but do not see (9518) (Global)
Date: Wed,14 Mar 2012
Submitter:Joseph starman
Joseph is here again with a story from a few years ago.
It talks of an “Angel” coming to take someone home. This I did not and still do n......View
Attracting Abundance (9039) (Global)
By:Lucy Pemberton-Platt
Date: Tue,13 Mar 2012
Submitter:Lucy Pemberton-Platt
When I first read 'The Secret' there were two things that I wanted to attract; the opportunity to live abroad and the chance to earn more m......View
Spring Awakenings (9343) (Global)
By:Sarah Callon
Date: Tue,06 Mar 2012
Submitter:Margaret Hunt
Slowly and reluctantly I allow one eye to open, only a little, as I want to be able to go straight back to sleep if its not yet time to wak......View
Amazing Grace (8712) (Global)
By:Stefanie Miller
Date: Wed,22 Feb 2012
I rescued a dog I named Grace and her nine newborn puppies from a high kill animal shelter on the day they were to be put to sleep. This tu......View
My Soul Odyssey (8175) (Global)
By:Michelle Manders
Date: Tue,14 Feb 2012
Submitter:Michelle Manders
For as long as I can remember I have had a fascination with foreign cultures and Ancient Wisdom, so much so that I wanted to become an Air ......View
Man Made Hell = Man Made Fear Part 3 (13494) (Global)
By:Lorraine Turner
Date: Thu,26 Jan 2012
Submitter:An Upholsterer's Daughter
The Blue Hair Church was the next church I attended. This is what my father referred to as a “bible banging” church. It was......View
The Universe is a Friendly Place (8661) (Essex)
By:Lucy Pemberton-Platt
Date: Tue,17 Jan 2012
Submitter:Lucy Pemberton-Platt
I attended a nine day course on self awareness and spirituality in California, October 2011. As part of the course other members of the gr......View
Animal Wisdom (Kindle Version) (7144) (Devon)
By:Barbara de Mora
Date: Tue,17 Jan 2012
Submitter:Barbara de Mora
'Animal Wisdom' contains five short stories for children and adults about the perceptions of animals and their relationship with humans in ......View
Man Made Hell = Man Made Fear Part 2 (9030) (Global)
By:Lorraine Turner
Date: Mon,16 Jan 2012
Submitter:An Upholsterer's Daughter
Continued ...
The Big Hats and White Gloves Church was a few blocks from our home. My father only ever went there for weddings and funeral......View
Man Made Hell = Man Made Fear Part 1 (9057) (Essex)
By:Lorraine Turner
Date: Thu,05 Jan 2012
Submitter:An Upholsterer's Daughter
Man has lived with fear throughout the centuries. He has walked the earth and created more men and each new generation teaches their childr......View