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Demian is a professional Astrologer, Tarot reader and spiritual teacher living in Suffolk. He has just been nominated for the Charles Harvey Award for exceptional service to astrology which is given by the Astrological Society of Great Britain. Previous award winners include; Liz greene, Melanie Reinhart, Geoffrey Cornelius, Bernadette Brady, Rob Hand and Nick Campion.
He will be teaching at The College of Psychic Studies in 2014 and is former Vice Chairman of The British Astrological and Psychic society; and the political Astrologer for Channel 4 news; Demian made predictions for the year ahead in Britain and America in 2012. Check out the link . He is also a sports Astrologer for the E.S.P.N channel on its 'Talk of The Terrace' footballing show'. He is the resident Astrologer for the 'Mind, Body, Spirit' magazine, ( published by Watkins Books and distributed worldwide) and is available for readings every Friday at Watkins Books in central London.
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