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Be careful what you ask of Spirit, you may get an unexpected reply. I say this because I thought I was asking for assistance in developing my spiritual gifts yet what I was given was exactly what I needed physically. Physical health raises vibration…this is where my guides wanted me to begin. A healthy mind, body and spirit will enable you to move along your journey more easily. We all know this, of course, but do we act upon it? Yes, all of this is moving thoughts into action. It takes more than thinking about it we must DO.
If you would like to attune yourself to your higher self and guides for the purpose of discovering your spiritual gifts, then meditation is key. You start buy saying your prayer of protection and asking for help from your highest guides and you set your intention. This intention would go something like this, "Please help me during this time of meditation to develop my spiritual gifts." You close your eyes and remain seated in meditation for approximately 30 minutes. It is best to set an appointed time and stick with it. The more you do this the better the connection. If you can only do this once a week, that's great… just start. The more you focus on your development the further along you will be on your journey.
Be sure to journal every experience. If you find yourself rested and peaceful afterward - then date it, write it and continue along your way. In time you will look over your notes and find some remarkable information that may help you in your search for your highest good.
Here are some notes form my journal. Obviously I am being guided to open my third chakra as I am experiencing some difficulties with digestion.
Friday, March 15, 2013: Meditation: I am given a message: Your body is a ball of energy and you have a duty of care to monitor how you are treating it.??
Thursday, March 21, 2013 Meditation: I see myself flying over what looks like water, maybe a canal, maybe bogs- I am unsure and just float with it then a bright red box appears on my screen with white block letters SUGAR CANE then I am told to remember to learn the metabolic rate of foods eaten- it ends.??
Wednesday, March 27, 2013: Meditation: I was given an image of a silhouette of a human with a glow of bright yellow tinged with green- and then a male voice said "When I look upon your auric field, this is what I see...USE IT!"
By looking back over the journal I can see how clearly I am being guided to focus my attention on the foods I am eating. I bought a stalk of raw sugar cane and I am using it grated into my foods. (You can find these at health food markets-who knew?) I have looked at my protein sources, and being a vegetarian, I tend to rely on soy based foods. Now I am switching to high metabolic foods such as almonds, yogurt, beans and berries to name a few.
By listening to the messages given and FOLLOWING the guidance we can develop our gifts. In this case I need to do this in order to raise my vibration. Metabolism needs to be raised in order to be my "highest good" for myself and the universe. This in itself is spiritual development because my body is not functioning properly. As I am working on raising my metabolic rate, this will help with my digestion thus making my channel stronger.
Begin to listen to the guidance easily and readily available to ALL. Use meditation to become the very best you can. To learn how to meditate please read Meditation Mojo.
I have moved my thoughts into action through meditation- this has caused me to create artwork for a cause please take a look.
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