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As spiritual workers we are able to help many species. There is no greater joy than to shine a light and help others. As empaths, we often take on energy that weighs us down and we must be careful to keep ourselves healthy. How can we do this with so much suffering in the world? We must look within.
As a professional animal communicator I am open to waves of negative energy that flood through me. It took me some time to learn how to decipher their energy from my own, and it is with protection that we must all walk carefully. Meditation is key in spiritual development AND helping enable us to take on the sorrows and negativity that effect so many species.
I recently was told (in meditation) to offer 100% of the fees earned with communications (my side job), to the White Lions now struggling for survival. Hundreds in captivity, yet less than 20 in the wild. I was shown that by turning this endeavor back to the animals it would be beneficial to all. I had no idea what awaited me.
Since working for the white lions I have had amazing encounters that I don't think words could ever describe properly. I write this not to ask you to work for free, but to encourage you to take a deeper look at ways in which you can help others on our planet. It can be an act of kindness shown to someone in need. Perhaps you have a neighbor that needs a ride to their doctor, a child that needs watching so a single parent can go to the market. If we move with this intention, our lives are not only enriched… but doors of opportunity seem to swing wide open. Like attracts like. Follow your intuition and find a way of being a service to others daily. Send a card, make a phone call, BE love to the world. You will be raising your vibration and your meditation journal will be filled with exciting adventures.
If you know of anyone that would like me to speak with their animals please contact me. I work globally using photos, general cases, animals in spirit and missing animal cases. ALL is done for the white lions. Contact me: Lorraine Turner.
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